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Kácov slaví postup do I.B třídy

Kácov - Sázava B                    2:0 nedohráno

Ve 24. kole potřebovali fotbalisté AFK Kácov porazit rezervu Sázavy, aby mohli v předstihu slavit titul v okresním přeboru a postup do I.B třídy. Hosté dorazili pouze v 8 hráčích a tak bylo otázkou, kolik domácí fotbalisté za oslavou postupu vstřelí branek. Utkání nakonec trvalo pouhých 16 minut, protože se sázavské rezervě zranili 2 hráči, tzn. počet hráčů klesl pod 7, což znamená, že utkání muselo být předčasně ukončeno. Utkání bylo ukončeno za stavu 2:0, když se do listiny střelců zapsali Petr Havlín a Roman Filip st.

Branky: 2. Havlín, 13. Filip st.

Rozhodčí: Jelínek

Sestavy:                                                                                                                Kácov: Verner – Pivoňka, Rytina, Kabát – Zeman, Moudrý – Bělohlávek, Pana, Žovinec – Havlín, Filip st.                   trenér Miroslav Jelínek                                                    Sázava B: J. Hrbek – Schneider, Skála, Rais, Danko – Nepraš, Novák, Pecháček                   trenér Jiří Kratochvíl



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thanks, interesting read

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very interesting, but nothing sensible

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Child Rashes: Varieties, Signs & More

(Michaelskite, 14. 3. 2023 2:04)

Often, prescription antihistamines have fewer of those results. Healthdirect's info and recommendation are developed and managed inside a rigorous medical governance framework. Many folks get sunburn through the summer season months and solar security is necessary for all of us. But aside from sunburn, some individuals could get different rashes.
Host factors embrace heredity, sex, race, and age, with heredity being by far essentially the most important. However, there have been latest increases within the incidence of allergic problems that can not be explained by genetic elements alone. Four main environmental candidates are alterations in exposure to infectious illnesses throughout early childhood, environmental air pollution, allergen levels, and dietary changes. Certain diets are formulated to scale back the itch caused by atopic dermatitis.
“The creams that you buy can produce problems that make your authentic drawback even worse,” Katz says. Because rashes could be caused by many various things—bacteria, viruses, medicine, allergic reactions, genetic issues, and even light—it’s essential to figure out what kind of dermatitis you've. “The most typical type of dermatitis that's seen anywhere is an allergic contact dermatitis to nickel,” says Katz. Because of ear piercing.” Many cheap earrings are manufactured from nickel, and over time, sporting nickel earrings could cause an allergic response to the metal. The symptoms of these several types of rashes often overlap. “Itching is a typical symptom for all these issues,” says Dr. Stephen I. Katz, director of NIH’s National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.
Depending on the severity, anaphylaxis can embody pores and skin reactions, bronchoconstriction, swelling, low blood pressure, coma, and death. This kind of response may be triggered all of a sudden, or the onset could be delayed. The nature of anaphylaxis is such that the reaction can appear to be subsiding but might recur throughout a time frame. Red, bumpy, itchy skin could be irritating, painful and embarrassing.
More serious signs like a drop in blood stress and hassle breathing may be life-threatening. Talk to your allergist and work with them to fill out a Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan to be prepared in an emergency. A full list of signs of a meals allergy response is out there right here.

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